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    Forage SeedSeedmark

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      Soil and Animal Health Herbs Pack

      Adding diversity to your leys with the Soil and Animal Health Herbs pack can increase the overall performance of a sward.

      This pack’s mixture of leguminous herbs helps you make the best use of the natural resources above and below ground. It will improve your soil health and structure by increasing the mixture of plants in your swards.

      The increased plant activity will also reduce your nitrogen losses and increase your carbon capture, improving your overall environmental benefits across the farm.

      Benefits of soil and animal health herbs 

      • Suitable for grazing all stock
      • Increased performance from a mixed sward
      • Improved soil health and structure
      • Drought tolerant
      • Lower nitrogen losses and increased carbon capture to reduce environmental impact
      Germinal offers a 1kg herb inclusion pack that includes the following:
      Puna II perennial chicory Deep rooted, drought tolerant and mineral rich
      Endure perennial chicory Deep rooted, drought tolerant and mineral rich
      Tonic plantain Deep rooted, drought tolerant and mineral rich
      Burnet Deep taproot and mineral rich
      Alsike Clover Nitrogen fixing legume
      Sheep’s Parsley Deep rooted and mineral rich
      Yarrow Deep rooted and drought tolerant
      Birdsfoot Trefoil Mineral rich, anthelmintic properties
      Black Medic Low and prostrate nitrogen fixing legume

      Ask an expert

      Please click here to ask a Germinal expert any questions about your grassland pastures.


        Sowing rate 2.5 kg/ha (1.0 kg/acre)
        Sowing time March/April or August/mid-September
        Sowing depth Maximum 15 mm (1/2 inch) or broadcast
        Sowing instructions Drill into a fine tilth

        Moist and warm soil conditions (minimum 5˚C)

        Roll before and after drilling for good soil-to-seed contact


        Additional comments For inclusion with Aber HSG seed mixtures or for overseeding an existing sward (3.75 kg/ha or 1.5 kg/acre)