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      Medium-term (four to five years) multi-cut grass seed mixture containing high-yielding hybrid AberEve High Sugar Grass, giving excellent spring growth and quality aftermath grazing potential.


      kg/acre Variety Type Heading date
      4.00 AberEve HSG Hybrid ryegrass (T) 21 May
      3.00 AberWolf HSG Perennial ryegrass 28 May
      3.00 Calao Perennial ryegrass (T) 03 June
      2.00 Delika Perennial ryegrass 05 June
      1.00 SeedMark Dairy White clover blend
      13.00 kg

      The heading date average for Relay is 28 May for central Britain. When cutting for silage, aim to cut 5-10 days before the average heading date for optimum quality.

      Sowing rate 32 kg/ha (13 kg/acre)
      Sowing time March/April or August/mid-September
      Sowing depth 15 mm (1/2 inch) or broadcast
      Sowing instructions Drill into a fine tilth

      Moist and warm soil conditions (minimum 5˚C)

      Roll before and after drilling for good soil-to-seed contact


      Additional comments Where no white clover seed is included, the sowing date can be extended to end of September