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      Aber HSG Long-Term Overseeding

      Rejuvenate underperforming pastures with minimal time out of production. Short-term and long-term overseeding mixtures can establish quickly to produce better forage in challenging conditions.

      Key benefits

      • Increase production when a reseed isn’t possible
      • Grow high-performance, homegrown forage from Aber HSG varieties
      • Rapid establishment
      • Increased dry matter yields and D-value
      • Suitable for all grazing stock (NB. unsuitable for horses)
      Kg/Acre Variety Type Heading Date
      3.00 AberSpey Perennial Ryegrass (T) 29 May
      3.00 AberGain Perennial Ryegrass (T) 04 Jun
      3.00 AberBite Perennial Ryegrass (T) 05 Jun
      1.00 AberDairy White Clover Blend

      T = Tetraploid

      Grassland forage experts

      You can ask a Germinal expert here if you want to know more about Germinal’s Aber HSG Long-term Overseeding grass seed mixture.



        Sowing rate 25 kg/ha (10 kg/acre)
        Sowing time March/April or August/September
        Sowing depth 15 mm (1/2 inch) or broadcast
        Sowing instructions Drill into a fine tilth

        Moist and warm soil conditions (minimum 5˚C)

        Roll before and after drilling for good soil-to-seed contact


        Additional comments Where white clover is included, sow no later than mid-September