GS4 Legume and Herb Rich Sward
GS4 Countryside Stewardship is a flowering seed mix of legumes, herbs and perennial ryegrass suitable for cattle and sheep.
When sown, GS4 Legume and Herb Rich Sward provides food and habitats for insects, including crop pollinators. Germinal’s GS4 seed mix also improves soil structure and water infiltration.
The GS4 seed mix can produce swards that are abundant in legumes and herbs suitable for cattle and sheep.
GS4 Countryside Stewardship has also been formulated to improve soil structure and aid crops by providing food and habitat for pollinators.
Countryside Stewardship GS4 example mix
- Festulolium Intermediate Tetraploid
- Perennial Ryegrass Intermediate Diploid
- Timothy
- Cocksfoot
- Sheeps Fescue
- Red Clover
- Red Clover Late
- Alsike Clover
- Birdsfoot Trefoil
- Perennial Chicory Blend
- Plantain
- Agricultural Burnet
- Yarrow
- Agricultural Sheeps Parsley
- Perennial Ryegrass Intermediate Diploid
- Lucerne
GS4 Legume and herb-rich swards are eligible for a payment of £382 per hectare under the Countryside Stewardship Mid and Higher Tier agreements.
Find out more: DEFRA Countryside Stewardship grants
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How to sow GS4 Legume and herb-rich swards successfully
- Choose areas of permanent grassland cultivated within five years, temporary grassland and other agricultural grass areas. Avoid semi-natural permanent pasture
- Use in fields without a weed or slug burden as pesticide use is extremely limited
- Clovers grow less well in soil with a pH below 6.0 and index 2 for P and K. Improve soil with lime, manures or PK (but not N) fertiliser.
- Sow to a shallow depth onto a firm, clean, fine seedbed or onto an established sward, creating at least 50% bare ground
- Recommended sowing rate of 35 kg/ha
- Aim to sow before 31st August to allow good establishment before winter
Sowing requirements
- Establish a mixed sward in the first 12 months and maintained in subsequent years
- Must contain a minimum of 10% cover of red clover and an additional 10% cover of other legumes, herbs and flowering plants (excluding white clover, creeping buttercup or injurious weeds)
- Must contain at least five species of grass, three species of legume and five species of herbs or flowering plants
- Can be managed by cutting or grazing
- Rest the sward for at least five weeks between 1st May and 31st July
- The sward area may be moved within eligible grasslands as long as the total acreage is maintained
- Do not use nitrogen-containing inorganic fertilisers or pesticides, except herbicides to spot treat or weed-wipe injurious weeds or invasive non-native species, soft and hard rush, nettles or bracken
- Keep records of all field operations including associated invoices, grazing activity and fertiliser plans, plus evidence the grassland has been cultivated within the last five years if a permanent grassland area
Additional requirements
One of the following criteria must be met:
- Follow or adopt a recommended fertiliser management system to plan nutrient inputs across the farm
- Qualify as a low-intensity farmer