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      germinal net zero


      Germinal believes the future of sustainable agriculture lies with science. Embedding research at the core of our strategy is part of our vision – to bring innovation closer to agriculture.

      As grassland specialists, we understand the need for responsible forage solutions for food production. How we grow and what we grow matters. The Germinal grassland research team at IBERS will focus on developing products that address current climate change challenges. From field to lab we are advocating strategies to support efficiency and sustainability while maintaining productivity.

      Developing progressive and novel varieties will aid farmers in their role as producers and stewards of the land. Soil and water are vital resources that need to be responsibly managed.

      Developing crops that are more resilient to pests and environment stress, that remain productive over longer periods and mitigate climate effects will be key research objectives. Consumer health is also an important factor as it links directly to source quality. Selective breeding for quality traits in plants that improve what we consume will also inform our research activity.



      Capturing carbon 

      Stronger and deeper rooting grasses and clovers 

      Disease and pest resistance

      More resilient grasses and forage legumes  

      Climate benefits

      Drought resistance/flood control 

      Improved tolerance 

      Long-term carbon storage 

      Nutrient efficiency 

      Grasses with greater yield per unit of nitrogen applied 

      Clovers which require less applied phosphate 

      Climate benefits

      Reduction in nitrogen use 

      Improved water quality 

      Reducing emissions

      Aber High Sugar Grasses 

      Aber High Lipid Grasses

      Climate benefits 

      Reduction in methane and ammonia 

      Reduction in methane 

      Productive homegrown forage 

      Resilient forage legumes 

      DoubleRoot hybrid clover 

      Unique stoloniferous red clovers 

      Clover species high in tannins 

      Climate benefits 

      Pest and disease resistance

      Reduction in application of mineral nitrogen 

      Greater grazing tolerance 

      Safer animal grazing


      Grass is at the heart of livestock farming and it is a vital part of quality milk and meat production.

      Aber High Sugar Grass (Aber HSG) is scientifically proven to reduce emissions. Feeding ruminant livestock Aber HSG can reduce the amount of harmful greenhouse gasses they omit and implemented as part of the supply chain it is a viable and sustainable option for food producers. For farmers, it is superior nutrition for animals with clear environmental benefits and production gains.

      aber hsg

      Interested in building a sustainable partnership with Germinal?