
Webinar: Climate smart reseeding

Climate smart reseeding

On Wednesday 5th April 2023, Agricultural Director Ben Wixey hosted our Climate Smart Reseeding webinar with fellow Germinal experts William Fleming and Dr Mary McEvoy. Watch the video below for their advice on reseeding grassland sustainably.

Webinar Q&A

Please note: Below are the questions we ran out of time to answer during the webinar.

Do you have any views on the use of soil supplements that are being advertised widely in the last few months?

Soil is the most important part of the whole system. Therefore, good soil health is imperative for maximum forage production. There are many supplements on the market but if your soil is maintained correctly with attention to detail around structure and biological activity, including correct pH and soil nutrients, then we would have to debate whether a supplement was necessary. We conclude that the first step is to look at the science and trial work behind the claim of the supplement provider.

What is the best way of adding sulphur to a red clover sward or is it as important as in grazing swards?

Sulphur is important for any growing crop and red clover is no exception. In areas of low sulphur or sulphur deficient soil, RB209 indicates an application of 40 kg sulphate/ha before every silage cut and 20-30 kg sulphate when up to 100 kg nitrogen is applied in a grazing scenario.

The best products would need to have a low nitrogen-to-sulphur ratio as red clover is a legume and can fix nitrogen for itself and companion crops.

Climate smart reseeding advice

If you have any questions about climate smart reseeding, contact our grassland experts.

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