Hybrid brassica


If you need a flexible, cost-effective forage crop, Swift hybrid brassica is an inter-species of kale and rape, ideal for high-energy grazing of cattle and sheep.

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An image of a Germinal seed bag.

Product overview

Swift hybrid brassica seed grows quickly and vigorously, offering forage crop grazing options from July to around the end of January depending on sowing date.

Product benefits

  • High energy and protein
  • Suitable for cattle and sheep
  • Fast and vigorous growth offering multiple grazing opportunities
  • Good cold weather and frost tolerance
  • Good late season yields

Sowing instructions

Rate5-7.50kg/ha (2.00-3.00kg/acre)
TimeMay to late August
Depth15mm (1/2 inch) or broadcast
ProcessDrill into a fine tilth
Moist and warm soil conditions
Roll before and after drilling for good soil-to-seed contact
CommentsFeed from July to the following January

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