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Request a Catalogue

You can request a catalogue to be sent to you by post, to be emailed to you for later use, or to be made available for immediate download.


    Post me a catalogue

    You can request a catalogue to be sent to you by post filling out your details in the form below.

    Forage SeedSeedmark

    STEP 2

      Email me a catalogue

      You can request a catalogue to be emailed to you for later use by filling out your details in the form below.

      Forage SeedSeedmark

      STEP 3
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      Your request has been submitted.
      If you have chosen your catalogue to be posted, it will be with you in 2-3 working days or if you have requested your catalogue to be sent by email, it will be sent to you automatically.

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      Book a Speaker

      Knowledge share with our customer communities is a key part of a successful future for us all. Germinal support and educate farmers at ground level, raising awareness of practical methods to help maximise their performance and achieve sustainability.


      We regularly host farm walks, information events, training days and also attend discussion groups to engage directly with our customers.

      Germinal are implementing an extensive knowledge share program for both our distributors and customers. If you wish to talk to us about speaking at your event, please contact the office directly on the number below or fill out the form and one of our team will contact you shortly.

      Book a Speaker

        Dairy FarmersBeef FarmersSheep FarmersTillage FarmersStudentsOther