Stubble turnips
Stubble turnip is another cost-effective feeding solution in summer, autumn or winter for sheep or cattle. As well as providing a main crop, it can be used as a catch crop during summer grazing shortfalls.
Product benefits
- High energy and protein
- Suitable for cattle and sheep
- Easy establishment and quick growth
- Good clean grazing for lambs
Sowing instructions
Rate | 5-7.50kg/ha (2.00-3.00kg/acre) |
Time | May to late August |
Depth | 15mm (1/2 inch) or broadcast |
Process | Drill into a fine tilth Moist and warm soil conditions Roll before and after drilling for good soil-to-seed contact |
Comments | Where broadcasting sow at 7.5kg/ha (3kg/acre) Feed from July to the following January |