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    Forage SeedSeedmark

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      Low Maintenance Fineturf

      Low Maintenance Fineturf grass seed can produce a fine-textured and resilient sward with good winter colour and reduced mowing requirement.

      Key benefits

      • Contains no perennial ryegrass
      • Reduced mowing
      • Even, fine texture
      Type %
      Strong creeping red fescue 70-80%
      Chewings fescue 20-30%

      Ask an expert

      Remember to ask a Germinal expert if you have any questions about our grass seed mixtures.

      Sowing rate: 35 g/m² (350 kg/ha or 140 kg/acre)
      Overseeding rate: 20 g/m² (200 kg/ha or 80 kg/acre)
      Cutting height: Down to 15 mm (3/5 inch)