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    Forage SeedSeedmark

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      The sustainable way forward 

      Food production will be increasingly impacted by climate change – from the increased frequency of droughts, storms and other extreme weather events. 

      Food production is in turn a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions as well as to water scarcity and wider biodiversity issues. Increasing demand for food and pressure on finite resources means more food will need to be produced with less. R&D investment in sustainable food production is key to finding solutions for a growing global population.  

      Research projects 

      Capturing carbon 

      Stronger and deeper rooting grasses and clovers 

      Disease and pest resistance

      More resilient grasses and forage legumes  

      Climate benefits

      Drought resistance/flood control 

      Improved tolerance 

      Long-term carbon storage 

      Nutrient efficiency 

      Grasses with greater yield per unit of nitrogen applied 

      Clovers which require less applied phosphate 

      Climate benefits

      Reduction in nitrogen use 

      Improved water quality 

      Reducing emissions

      Aber High Sugar Grasses 

      Aber High Lipid Grasses

      Climate benefits 

      Reduction in methane and ammonia 

      Reduction in methane 

      Productive homegrown forage 

      Resilient forage legumes 

      DoubleRoot hybrid clover 

      Unique stoloniferous red clovers 

      Clover species high in tannins 

      Climate benefits 

      Pest and disease resistance

      Reduction in application of mineral nitrogen 

      Greater grazing tolerance 

      Safer animal grazing

      Germinal Horizon research sites 

      Germinal Horizon Broadfield 

      Broadfield, NZ 

      Germinal Horizon Research Team

      Continue the conversation

      "Agriculture is important – we need to grow and operate in harmony with the environment."

      William Gilbert


      William Gilbert 

      Group Managing Director 



      Paul Billings


      Paul Billings 

      Managing Director, Germinal

      GB & IRE

      Simon Larsen


      Simon Larsen 

      General Manager, Germinal NZ



      More than research: Our future, our legacy 

      Interested in building a sustainable partnership with Germinal?

      Please enter your details below and one of our Horizon team will contact you.